Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Well, here I am again! Back in France... definitely didn't think I would be coming back for another year. However, I am really excited to be able to practice my French, shop in all the cute stores, meet new people, and travel more around Europe.
This first month has been quite different from the year before. There have been so many strikes, that I really haven't had a chance to really ...work! However, I only "work" 11 hours each week. During the month of October, I believe I have only worked a total of maybe 20 hours? Probably less! It's so crazy being back at the same school, however I'm working with all new teachers and much better behaved high schoolers! I feel that this year I will be able to see their English improve, as most students are at least a little bit interested in learning English. Last year, that was definitely not the case. I think my job should have been titled "babysitter". Those kids were crazy!

We are just now getting back from the "Toussaint" holiday. During this holiday I visited some towns around the area I live in Brittany. I also visited a friend in St. Malo where a boat race and festival was going on. It was called the "Route de Rhum". The boats left from St. Malo and traveled all the way to Guadeloupe! It was really interesting to see all the boats and all the people there from different countries. There was a building that had vendors from France and Guadeloupe. It was really interesting to see. There was also a parade with music and dancing in traditional Guadeloupian dress. I am now interested in visiting Guadeloupe!

I will try to keep this blog updated and write all about life in Brittany, the fashion in France, and my travels.

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